Thursday, June 14, 2012

An Ode To Limes

The Hungry Vegan Bear loves limes like Martha Stewart loves lemons.

Yes, I understand that lemons are wonderful companions in the world of cuisine, but I still find myself drooling over the scent and tangy zing of limes more often then lemons.  Perhaps it is because limes tend to be more sour than lemons, I'm drawn to them as I have a slight tendency to enjoy the extremes in food, rather bi-polar like consumption, I imagine.

Many years after becoming a vegan I started using limes in my cooking.  In fact, prior to becoming a vegan I never used limes except in drinks.  Gradually, I started experimenting-lime in entrees, desserts, and appetizers.  Yes, I was a little lime obsessed and I'm still a huge advocate of the lime today, which is reflected in a few of the recipes I've posted.

There are many health benefits to limes ranging from weight loss, to skin care, and respiratory issues.  Limes are a great source of vitamin C, which is quite handy in case you find yourself stranded on an island or boat in the Caribbean.  At least you know you'll still get your daily intake of C and possibly ward off scurvy in the process.

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